Friday, June 7, 2013


Hello, I'm back again! I do a horrible job keeping up with the writing (bad Katerina, bad!) 

On wednesday me and best friend, Karen, went to the Fall Out Boy concert and it was A-MA-ZING! I've been a fan always but back in my rocker stage during middle school through freshman year was when I was obsessed. So in around April she bought the tickets and my rocker stage starting coming out again; even my wardrobe contained more black, leather and chains. 

Then sold out concert was at The Fillmore which I have never been to before and it was really nice in there. The tickets were general admission so me and Karen got there a bit early so we can get as close to the front as possible and, even though the picture seems far, I think we got close enough. 

The opening act was a band called New Politics. New Politics is a rock band from Copenhagen, Denmark. It is made up of David Boyd, Søren Hansen, and Louis Vecchio. At first I didn't know what to expect from them but after their first song I was singing along, dancing everywhere and having so many fan girl moments over the drummer and singers (HOT) The band's sound is mainly alternative rock. It has been described as a blend of "punk, pop, and electronically induced dance rock" as well. There 2nd album A Bad Girl In Harlem was recently released in May 2013. I would DEFINITELY go check out the album its on ITunes for $9.99. This band is going to go really far and even if they don't I will follow them forever! 
Favorite songs from New Politics:
1. Yeah Yeah Yeah
2. Dignity 
3. Harlem 
4. Give Me Hope
5. Just Like Me 
6. Fall Into These Arms 

Crowd walking... because crowd surfing is to mainstream. 

From beginning to end I have no complaint! It was a phenomenal concert! FOB did great mixture of their old music that everyone has loved and the their new music that everyone is loving. Their energy was great and you couldn't help but jump around and go crazy. The lights and backdrop were perfect not to much but not so bland. Basically, Fall Out Boy is perfect! Patrick Stumps voice it the epitome of perfect. Listening to him live is like listening to the album he is incredible. It was Pete Wentzs birthday and we got to sing to him <3 so hot. His song writing skills are pretty amazing. The songs on their latest album is just great! All-in-all the concert was incredible that I'm so excited when they come back in the fall for their fall tour with Panic at the Disco and 21 Pilots!! They're new album Save Rock and Roll is great and you definitely should go give it a listen and then for sure buy it because you'll love it! 
Favorite songs from Fall Out Boy:
1. America's Suitehearts 
2. The Phoenix 
3. Young Volcanos 
4. Dance Dance
5. This Aint a Scene Its an Arm Race
6. I Don't Care 

Incredible concert I LOVE YOU FALL OUT BOY!! and New Politics you have a new obsessed fan <3 

As always, 
Love Katerina


  1. I couldn't agree more with your assessment, I'm still thinking about how awesome the concert was a week later! You took some really awesome pics too BTW. What concert are you two planning on going to next?


  2. I'm waiting for a response Katerina... JEEZ!!!!! :)

    1. hahahaha Heyy Chris! sorry I took forever and a half to reply!
      me and my friend still talk about the concert almost everyday I think we're obsessed, especially New Politics!
      We're planning on going to the Fall Out Boy concert in the fall when they get back but we're still looking to see if theyre are any concerts we want to go to.

