Friday, June 7, 2013


Hello, I'm back again! I do a horrible job keeping up with the writing (bad Katerina, bad!) 

On wednesday me and best friend, Karen, went to the Fall Out Boy concert and it was A-MA-ZING! I've been a fan always but back in my rocker stage during middle school through freshman year was when I was obsessed. So in around April she bought the tickets and my rocker stage starting coming out again; even my wardrobe contained more black, leather and chains. 

Then sold out concert was at The Fillmore which I have never been to before and it was really nice in there. The tickets were general admission so me and Karen got there a bit early so we can get as close to the front as possible and, even though the picture seems far, I think we got close enough. 

The opening act was a band called New Politics. New Politics is a rock band from Copenhagen, Denmark. It is made up of David Boyd, Søren Hansen, and Louis Vecchio. At first I didn't know what to expect from them but after their first song I was singing along, dancing everywhere and having so many fan girl moments over the drummer and singers (HOT) The band's sound is mainly alternative rock. It has been described as a blend of "punk, pop, and electronically induced dance rock" as well. There 2nd album A Bad Girl In Harlem was recently released in May 2013. I would DEFINITELY go check out the album its on ITunes for $9.99. This band is going to go really far and even if they don't I will follow them forever! 
Favorite songs from New Politics:
1. Yeah Yeah Yeah
2. Dignity 
3. Harlem 
4. Give Me Hope
5. Just Like Me 
6. Fall Into These Arms 

Crowd walking... because crowd surfing is to mainstream. 

From beginning to end I have no complaint! It was a phenomenal concert! FOB did great mixture of their old music that everyone has loved and the their new music that everyone is loving. Their energy was great and you couldn't help but jump around and go crazy. The lights and backdrop were perfect not to much but not so bland. Basically, Fall Out Boy is perfect! Patrick Stumps voice it the epitome of perfect. Listening to him live is like listening to the album he is incredible. It was Pete Wentzs birthday and we got to sing to him <3 so hot. His song writing skills are pretty amazing. The songs on their latest album is just great! All-in-all the concert was incredible that I'm so excited when they come back in the fall for their fall tour with Panic at the Disco and 21 Pilots!! They're new album Save Rock and Roll is great and you definitely should go give it a listen and then for sure buy it because you'll love it! 
Favorite songs from Fall Out Boy:
1. America's Suitehearts 
2. The Phoenix 
3. Young Volcanos 
4. Dance Dance
5. This Aint a Scene Its an Arm Race
6. I Don't Care 

Incredible concert I LOVE YOU FALL OUT BOY!! and New Politics you have a new obsessed fan <3 

As always, 
Love Katerina

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Which Way to Neverland?

This post will be more on the deep side. So, prepare yourself because if you know me I'm mainly witty... but I have a deep side too. 

Growing up. 
Do you remember when you were in elementary school and you would dream about growing up? About leaving school, having a car and a job and being your own person? Maybe not that sophisticated but we wanted to grow up. Now that I turned 20 I'm wondering where the years have gone by and why life is moving so fast. Why doesn't life take Ferris Buellers words and stop to smell the roses for a bit and stop moving so fast. Being 20 has its ups and downs... I'm currently at the downs. If you know me well you know that I don't really set goals or make future plans; I usually just go with the flow but its slowly creeping up on me. I'm trying to graduate soon (hopefully by December), trying to find a job so I can get some income, I'm trying to get a car (and without an income not so easy), trying to find a university to go to after getting my AA... it's a lot, for me. 
Growing up. 
Responsibilities become harder and difficult. Younger I would want more responsibility to feel older and more mature but now that I have it I don't want it. 
I think within all my ramble what I'm trying to say is... I'm scared. I don't want to worry about what bills to pay and 9-5 job I have to go to. I want to be happy and enjoy life, I want to be a little kid again. No worries about life just about what color to draw the grass. This fear has gotten worse throughout the years and have developed an anxiety disorder which also lead to panic attacks. Its hard to live with but its  hard to get rid of it too. 

Some of you are thinking: grow up, this is life get used to it, this is what growing up is all about. But why do I have to think that? Why do I have to grow up? Peter Pan never grew up and look at him, he's happy, lives on an island and flies. 
I'm not coping well with the concept of becoming older but there has to be a way to grow up but also be like Peter Pan, right? 

As always, 
Love Katerina

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Lessons in a Goodbye

Hope everyone has been having a good summer so far 

PRE-WARNING!! I wrote a lot but its knowledgeable and some of the saying a quote worthy!

Of course I've been MIA for a bit (I need to learn to commit to things) but I have been going crazy these past few weeks but within the insanity I've realized some lessons. . . 

Lets start of with school. Spring semester ended last week of April and it was a little heart breaking for me. Not only was it my favorite semester yet (and now it over) but I met a lot of great, and also horrible, people within the semester that have taught me somethings throughout the way. 

Lesson #1:
~ Learn to laugh at yourself. We will all do something dumb in our lives and look like fools but life is to short to take it seriously. We can be serious when we're dead. 
~ Open up. I'm saying this from a personal note but I usually put up walls so people cant see the real me because I fear they won't accept it. The human race is not perfect we all have things we are not proud of but if you let people in maybe you'' find someone going through something similar and you wont have to face it alone.
~ Not everyone wants to get to know you. this contradicts with the above statement but stay with me. Life has ups and downs, like a roller coaster, if you don't get on you wont know if you like it or not you have to just go with it. People are somewhat the same. Sometimes we have to be hurt, and unfortunately (sometimes) used, by people to see they're true colors but because of a$$wholes like them we can become stronger and wiser. 

No work no car, perfect. I got laid off -_- sucks I know. I will now answer the questions running through your head. 1. They didn't need my position anymore because business was very, very slow. 2. It happened about a week ago. 3. No, I don't know what my next move is 4. Yes, I am looking for any possible jobs I can do. Any more question? Let me know in the comments. The struggle with my car is finally over, it has passed away. The black knight went to car heaven and I am sad about it because one I don't have a car and two we had a some great adventures. 

Lesson #2:
~ Not everything last forever. When I got that new job I was certain I would be there till I go away to university but within a short few months I was out. My car slowly was dying on me but still unexpected that I would have to part with it so soon. Moral is we can't take things, or life, for granted they're not guaranteed. 

Saying goodbye to someone is hard... saying goodbye to your past can be as hard or maybe even harder. Our past can hold us down like chains to a wall and not allowing us to live our lives. I put together a conference this Mothers days weekend with some awesome women and it was about how to makeover our lives. It was so powerful! We need to learn how to break the chains to become a better you. Saying goodbye to a good friend is hard and not fun at all. I've said bye to 7 people within 3 weeks I don't like it ): It's hard to see them go. 

Lesson #3:
~ Our past can be the one holding us back. Don't let life pass you by because you're looking into the past. The past is like a chapter of your life if you keep re-reading it you'll never know how the book will finish, so let go. 
~ Its not goodbye its just see you later. Watching someone go can be hard but you have to let them (as a cheesy cliche would say) flap there wings and fly. Maybe they're going to college or a new job opportunity whatever it is support them and always be there for them. 

That was a lot to learn in 3 weeks... Well, heres what I've been up to:

My stud of a brother had his senior prom ): he's growing up so fast!

I got to go see Joel Osteen which was amazing!! We had floor seats :D 

SUMMER 2013 HAS kinda BEGUN!!! I only have one summer class so its still kinda having a summer vacation... but after June 21st its officially summer!! Those are my best friends Keilah(next to me) and Kelly(on the left) 

I had food poisoning for about a week... worst week ever! 

My brothers last band performance! I remember mine, so emotional. Its a big band but it looks small because of the panorama.

Because of the conference I got to hang out with my second family a lot and I love them so dearly <3 I have a weird smile there and Natalia doesn't look interested.

Blurry buuuuuut these are the amazing people who put together the conference, workshops, set design and much more thanks so much everyone for the amazing weekend!! 

Luis was one of the people I had to say bye to. He's not coming back till January D,: I'm going to miss him like crazy!! Say hi to Mickey for me! 

In my old high school when you were in band at the end of the year you got a BANDquet and this was my brothers last one too ): again remembering mine and how I miss it! These are all the "sexy" officers. 

This is Indira, Indi for short, She's someone I had to say goodbye to as well. She's not moving away or anything but we wont be in the same college anymore ): I've gotten really close to her and consider her a great friend of mine! 

As always,
Love Katerina

Monday, April 22, 2013

Meanwhile, at work...

Well hello there.

Before I start to blabber nonsence I didn't really give a warning that my last post was just me venting and was a tad gloomy... my baaaaad.

Yes I am work right now and yes I'm blogging. Go ahead, judge me.

I work as a receptionist at a law office/firm its nothing out of this world. All I basically do is answer the phone and say "Good afternoon law office" take down the message, pick up the mail and file. Yup aren't you just riveted with joy and excitement after reading that. And because no one really calls when I'm here, I finish the filing with 5 minutes and the mail has always been picked up by the time I get here all I really do is listen to music and check my Facebook... again the excitement.

The thoughts I have during work. . .~ If I put the volume at 6% would that be to loud?
~ *Looking at files I'm filing*... Oh he's going to jail, he's good, jail-time for sure, ehh she's good, uuuuuffff your in the slammer for life son.

~ Lawyers lie... a lot
~ There are sooooooo many papers

~ I need some more people to talk too
~ What would happen if a murderer or rapeist came in here? Eh I probably wouldn't even be paying attention.

~ Can they see me on Facebook?
~ Why do the lawyers say they aren't here when the phone rings? The people calling need to talk to you.
~ I gotta pee but if I leave my boss can call and then I'm for sure dead
~ I DO NOT want to be a lawyer, nope, never!

I saw this quote in wynwood/midtown and fell in love with it:
"Anything can be beautiful if you look at it with love." Future tattoo? Maybe... Bur this quote has a lot of meaning behind it. If we all would just look at life with love and happiness rather then with judgmental eyes the world might just a be a better place.

For all the devastation thats been happening I want to take a moment and say that God has a plan and He knows why all of this is happening, it's horrible but He knows all. To the families in Boston and Texas that have been affected by everything I pray comfort and peace over all of you.

No pictures today but next post for sure. Thanks for reading!

As always,
Love Katerina

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Supp doe. 

*While reading this, listen to Evolution 935 on iHeartRadio... if you want* 

Have you ever wanted to go to the moon? Not because it'd be fascinating, just because it's far away? 

If you know me, met me for a few seconds or want to get to know the first thing I will usually say is that I have a curfew... yup a curfew. If you don't have one I envy you.

My curfew as of now is 12:00am (I think its 10pm)... I'll give you some time to get all your laughter out.

Done? Cool. As I was saying, its hard to be 20 YEARS OLD with an early curfew. If I was back in high school I'll take it but in my 3rd year of college, no. I don't know whats wrong with my parents lately but I think they have finally gone mental. By 9:30-10pm if I'm not home the hysterical calls and texts come pouring in. When I say hysterical I mean yelling like the world is ending. Honestly, the things they yell at me on the phone or in person really bring me down... It hurts, I can't even speak or have a say in anything. It makes me feel worthless. 

You know when your parents say "I understand what your going through" I genuinely don't think my parents really understand though. As I'm getting older my schedule gets busier such as: school, work, church, school clubs and social life.(Sometimes I get busy on purpose so I'm not home) Thats normal for a girl my age to be busy and living life but apparently my parents believe in hibernation 24-7/365. As I said before if I'm not at home by 10 hell breaks loose and it DRIVES ME INSANE. 

In life we need to make mistakes to learn, to grow but by sheltering someone (or as i say caging them or holding them hostage or not allowing them to breathe) from the world is, to me, horrible. We all need to burn our hands on the stove to know its hot thats life. It feels like you can't breathe and theres no way out. It is mentally exhausting. 

I know I'm not and I can't fully understand why they do this but I've been living on a short leash for way to long. Not being able to do things with friends or get involved in places because the fear of "oh this event might pass 10" and then my parents yelling at me is not worth it. I know they are not going to lift the curfew but hopefully by January I'm out of here and so long curfew for its time to take a deep breath and finally live. 

What I've been doing lately:

Zedd re-tweeted me... I cried. 


I was student of the week at my school... be jealous 

I was Mary Magdeline in the Easter pageant at my church, Jerusalem's finest 

Arts and letters day/week at my college was back and this year was a lot of amazing chalk art 

My youth groups new look, mini ultra stage I call it

These 2 make my world happier

Hoped you guys missed me I'll write more I promise... If there is anyone reading this... 

As always,
Love Katerina

Monday, March 18, 2013


Hey hey! 

My birthday weekend was a very chill one indeed, no Ultra, no parties just chill.

Day 1

Slept in till about 10 until my grandmother waltz into my room in song and dance and my best friend called said she was on her way over. I then proceeded to open gifts and cards from my family; all the gift were lovely. My best friend Kelly came over with brownies, bless her soul.

Mmmmmmmmm breakfast.
Thanks Kelly!!

Then I went to work... boo. They got me a cake and sang happy birthday to me though all happy, cracking jokes and just enjoying ourselves. PLOT TWIST: everyone left after they ate and then my boss yelled at me and left too and I was left in the office, alone, on my birthday, for 2 hours...  

Georges, best place to have any celebration! The service is great, the food is delicious and its a great atmosphere... PHOTO MONTAGE!! 

Day 1 ended by my 3 best friends, Kelly, Keilah and Tim, coming over eating McFlurrys and watching Ferris Bueller.

Day 1 outfit:
Shirt; Love Culture, Skater Skirt; Forever21, Shoes; Jeffery Campbell, Jewelry; Swatch, Cartier, local boutique

Day 2

Took the day off of work and school and me and my friends just relaxed. We went to Denny's for breakfast and then went tanning, pretty chill. 


To end the night my family and I went to my FAVORITE italian restaurant called "Nunzio's" its amazing and we've been going before I was even a thought. 

Day 2 outfits:

Day time: Bathing Suit; Top: Forever21, Bottom: PINK, High Wasted Shorts; Zara, Sunnies; Steps New York 

Night time: Peplum Top; Nordstrom, Pants; Even though you can't see them (camo skinnies) Forever21, Shoes; Jeffery Campbell, Belt; Step New York

Day 3

No pictures on day 3 and I don't know why... Well, I spent day 3 with my parents and my favorite side of the "family". My dad has 4 best friends who are close to us and basically are Tio's (uncles) so we went to one of their houses just for a lunch. Lunch turned into cocktails, then mid-snack, into dinner, then dessert. It was great talking to them, catching up and listening to all the funnies stories. Even though they aren't family they are still amazing and I enjoyed it. 

Day 4 

BEACH DAY! Finally. After church me and my 2 friends Natalie and Grace accompanied me to South Beach to tan and enjoy Miami. The water was cold freezing but beautiful. There were a lot of parties because of Ultra going on, which I still need tickets for, and it was also St. Patricks day. I love the beach so much! Others would be bother by the amount of people but I don't mind! Gotta love Miami <3 

This weekend was filled with love, happiness and laughter and I thank and love everyone who was apart of it and made it 10 times better!! 

Now for this weekend... Ultra I'm ready for you! All I need is a ticket...

As always, 
Love Katerina