Monday, October 1, 2012

Last Saturday Night.

What happened Saturday...

Ok, it wasn't one of those nights but it was one to laugh about in a few years.

My pastors daughter, Natalia, birthday was saturday afternoon and I was going to go for a bit then head home... Well it didn't turn out that way.
I'm 19 but when you put a bouncy house in front of me I turn 9. While I'm jumping my cares away with one of my friends I just here "NOW!" and wonderful cold water started to shower me. As I'm exiting the house of bounce my first thoughts, revenge. Of course I knew it was my pastor so I told one of the moms who don't look suspicious at all to dump ICE cold water on him, then... hell broke loose. Water, milk, flour and ashes of fireworks were on me after a few minutes of brawl but no worries payback is sweet. 

This was the best picture I could find, I look lovely guys basically flock to me


Live from Miami its Saturday night! 
After a 2 hour shower and an hour and half of filming it was movie time with one of my best friends. Movie of choice? Pitch Perfect and let me tell you I thought it was hilarious I was singing and cracking up the whole time! But rewind a few hours before the movie starts. 
Heading to the movies this cop is going high speed apparently getting to an accident, almost hitting us while he was making a left. Avoiding the accident with cop we continue to drive and I see cop lights behind us. The same cop serves in front of us and starts screaming at us of how we need to yield to cops driving. Yo yo yo I understand that but you need to learn how to yield to innocent drivers before you hit them, pshh bro. Finally after the shock of what just happened we found parking and started heading to get out tickets. Waiting in line to get some food (#fatgirlproblems) these two 8 year olds turn around and apparently the more confident one says "what movies are you ladies seeing?" Of course I would be hit on by a pre-teen and not a college guy whatever. After answering, yes we answered with confused and shocked faces, he followed with this question, "Where did you guys hear about that movie?" 
Seriously, where did I hear about that movie!? Oh I don't know a sandwich told me. While all of this embarrassment was happening 3 very very attractive guys were standing a row next to us, really my luck.
All in all I thought my saturday was great filled with laughter and some great people. 

Yup that is it... 

As always
Love Katerina

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